Thursday, September 26, 2013

Salem Witch Trials : Victims of Mass Hysteria

Hysteria is defined as behavior exhibiting overwhelming or contumacious fear or emotional excess. These feelings sh ared by the dregs of the spate causes much chaos and many muckle to ticktock hurt. byout the years, starting in 1692 with the capital of Oregon Witch Trials through to the twentieth century with the Robert Roberson Case, there have been many instances of this locoweed furiousness each(prenominal) containing similarities and differences between them.         The similarity between each(prenominal) these cases is that no matter where the accusations took place throughout the commonwealth, all mountain persecuted by mass hysteria, were done so because they were contrasting in some(a) way. During the Salem Witch Trails pack were persecuted because the other towns people believed they did non total their god. Between 1942 and 1946 more than 120,000 Japanese natives living in the linked States were placed in internment camps because a count ry they no longer lived in had attacked Pearl Harbor. During the McCarthy Hearings in 1954 people were infernal for not being American enough because they had variant beliefs close to the society they lived in. In the Robert Roberson Case a diplomatic minister and his wife were persecuted because they were accused of sexual abuse without being stress for it. All of these accused people caused change to the normalcy of the transcendent general public and because of it they were scrutinized and treated poorly.
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The victims of mass hysteria all had their reputations all ruined, and every society they lived in never precept these people as they had before any accusations had ever been made.         The differ! ences in the cases are not as broad as the similarities. Although these people were persecuted because they were different they were all persecuted because of different specific reasons. In the Salem Which Trials, twenty villagers were hanged and killed because they would not lie... If you want to get a entire essay, nightclub it on our website:

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